Monday, September 24, 2012

LAD #5- Federalist #10

LAD #5-
James Madison

1. Factions are hard to eliminate because they are developed by people united by a common belief like religion, government, etc., in attempt to gain support from the community. Since it was liberty that brought about factions, they were impossible to get rid of. To give every citizen the same beliefs was impractical. Men's liberty allowed people to form their own opinions.

2. There are two ways to control factions. One way is removing the causes of factions, and since the causes could not be removed they had to move to the second plan which was controlling their effects. The effects of the majority factions needed to be controlled because the minority factions weren't gaining any power. Madison believed a Republic was better than a direct Democracy because a Republic could influence a larger area of land. Bigger Republics had a large range of diverse groups miking it impossible for a majority to form.

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