Monday, September 17, 2012

LAD #3: The Declaration of Independence

Part 1: Democratic Principals-
Writing the Declaration of Independence
         The democratic principals of the Declaration of Independence show that it it solely there to maintain the rights and happiness of the people. It states that if the "unalienable rights" of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are broken by the government then the people are aloud to over through the government and replace them with a new government that will restore these rights. The colonies put these principals in to place because of King George's tyranny over them.

Part 2: Grievances-
         Some of the grievances represented in the Declaration of Independence were put into place because of the King's harsh rule over them prior to independence. Some of these grievances include the king stripping the colonies of their rights to an assembly and their right of representation and self-government. Another crime committed by the king was forcing the colonist to house troops when they were sent over seas. He also burned many towns and destroyed many lives.

Part 3: Conclusion-
        The conclusion of the declaration states that in order for America to become a free independent country they must first break any ties with the British. It gives America the power to declare war, creat alliances, make peace, ect. The conclusions declares independence from Great Britain.

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