Wednesday, September 26, 2012

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

Washington's Farewell Address
LAD #7-

        Washington is talking about how it is about time to elect a new president and that he is not going to be apart of this election. He wants the people to make a wise decision with who they pick to be the new president. This wasn't an easy decision for him and he's not taking it lightly. If it wasn't for his responsibilities to his country he would have retired earlier. He was thinking about retiring before the last election but there was to much going on at the time. He felt he would have abandoned his country in it's time of need. He believes that it is his time to let someone else take over, and hopes that in time the country will agree with his decision to retire. He also mentioned that he was confident that wile he was in office everything he did was for the people of the United States. He feels like at this point in his life he has given the country all he can and that it is time for a new person to see what they can do for our country. He thanks his country for giving him the opportunity to lead them for two terms. He's great full for the trust that the county has put him and without that trust he would not have been able to do what he did for them. He says that he still has concerns for the country and doesn't want them to feel like he's abandoning them, but he still wants them to stay strong and move forward. He says that he is not a necessity to success of the country, all they need is to believe in their own love and commitment towards the country. He says that he made many errors and he carries them with him everyday. Even though Washington is retiring he will continue to support and love his country just like he did wile he was in office.

LAD #6: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

LAD #6-

        In this document George Washington is requiring that the United States of America stay neutral in the war of France against Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, Great Britain, and the United Netherlands. He warns all citizens of America to stay neutral in this war. If they catch someone aided this war, which will be illegal, they will be punished. He says that he supports this document and even signed it to see that it be enforced.
George Washington

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Republican Motherhood Blog

Republican Motherhood Blog

1. The Republican Mothers have the responsibility to raise their sons to be the next generation of men. During the Revolutionary War, the soldiers fighting for the american side fought to defend the lives of the American people. Over time this could be forgotten as new children are born. The role of the Republican Mother was to inform her sons about those soldiers that fought in the Revolutionary war and the values that they defended. (Doc. C)

2. The consequences were that the women were more confined to the home because it was now her duty to god and nature, and also her country to stay home. If she were to neglect these duties then she is disobeying god and nature. (Doc. A)

3. Republican Mothers gained much more respect due to the fact that they could teach their children to become "enlightened legislatures." Because they were basically the head of the home, and the home was considered the place where people are nurtured and blossom, they were valued very much (Doc. A). Women also had to be educated because they were the protectors of their husbands property (Doc. C)

Mary Gibson Tilghman and her sons by Charles Willson Peale (1789) 

1. The setting of this picture is the home. This picture is of Mary Gibson Tilghman, a Republican mother, and her sons. It shows how she is very present in her sons lives.

2. Mary Gibson Tilghman serves as the center of this painting because it is trying to emphasis on her Republican Motherhood. The women looks very happy and strong willed, which women before republican motherhood would not look that way. She represents a republican as opposed to a democrat because of how beautifully messy she looks instead of put together like an aristocrat would look. The clothes she is wearing also suggest that she is a republican and not an aristocrat. She also looks very content and close to her sons which again suggest her Republican motherhood.

3. Her sons exhibit values of that close relationship with their mother. They also exhibit innocence and content.

4. The significance of Mrs. Tilghman's arm is that she is actually touching her children. This shows she is showing affection to them, which wasn't see very often back then.

Monday, September 24, 2012

LAD #5- Federalist #10

LAD #5-
James Madison

1. Factions are hard to eliminate because they are developed by people united by a common belief like religion, government, etc., in attempt to gain support from the community. Since it was liberty that brought about factions, they were impossible to get rid of. To give every citizen the same beliefs was impractical. Men's liberty allowed people to form their own opinions.

2. There are two ways to control factions. One way is removing the causes of factions, and since the causes could not be removed they had to move to the second plan which was controlling their effects. The effects of the majority factions needed to be controlled because the minority factions weren't gaining any power. Madison believed a Republic was better than a direct Democracy because a Republic could influence a larger area of land. Bigger Republics had a large range of diverse groups miking it impossible for a majority to form.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog #4: Rethinking the Revolution
LAD #4-

1. Benjamin Franklin had began to write his memoirs before the war was even over, which enhanced his reputation.

2. George Washington let Lt. Col. David Humphrey, who was writhing a biography on him, stay at Mount Vernon and aided him wile he was writing it.

3. Marson Locke Weems wrote a biography on Washington that even washington would have been embarrassed by, saying that he was like Moses who led his people from captivity.

4. The Revolutionary war was not the horrible when it came to deaths, not many men died and civilians weren't touched.

5. Union and Confederate soldiers carried rifles with an effective range nearly six times of that of the muskets packed by the men in the continental army.

Monday, September 17, 2012

LAD #3: The Declaration of Independence

Part 1: Democratic Principals-
Writing the Declaration of Independence
         The democratic principals of the Declaration of Independence show that it it solely there to maintain the rights and happiness of the people. It states that if the "unalienable rights" of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are broken by the government then the people are aloud to over through the government and replace them with a new government that will restore these rights. The colonies put these principals in to place because of King George's tyranny over them.

Part 2: Grievances-
         Some of the grievances represented in the Declaration of Independence were put into place because of the King's harsh rule over them prior to independence. Some of these grievances include the king stripping the colonies of their rights to an assembly and their right of representation and self-government. Another crime committed by the king was forcing the colonist to house troops when they were sent over seas. He also burned many towns and destroyed many lives.

Part 3: Conclusion-
        The conclusion of the declaration states that in order for America to become a free independent country they must first break any ties with the British. It gives America the power to declare war, creat alliances, make peace, ect. The conclusions declares independence from Great Britain.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

LAD #2: John Peter Zenger

LAD #2:
John Peter Zenger Trial

1. John Peter Zenger was a German immigrant the came to America in 1710. He became the printer and editor of a news paper that opposed Governor William Crosby. He wrote many articles criticizing Governor Crosby's policies and actions, including the prosecution of Governor Rip Van Dam and the removal of Chief Court Justice Lewis Morris. Governor Crosby arrested Zenger.

2. The controversy of his charges was that Zenger's claims were not illegal because they were true. Andrew Hamilton, Zenger's lawyer, decided during the court case to plead directly towards the jury. Zenger was proven to be not guilty.

3. The major influence that this case had on American governmental tradition is that something is not illegal if it is true, therefor allowing freedom of press.

4. The lasting significance is the advancement of freedom of press. Because of this trial newspapers every where were allowed to print opposing viewpoints. People were finally allowed to speak up and stand up for what they believed instead of just following along with everyone else.

LAD #1: Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

The Mayflower Compact
LAD #1:

1. Concepts that are included in the Mayflower Compact is the concept of forming a government to maintain order and to do anything that will better the colony.

2. The Mayflower Compact reflects to the "new" by forming its own government separate from the King and adding democratic ideas into it. It reflects to the "old" world by still pledging it's loyalty to the King.

3. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differed from the Mayflower Compact because when the settlers wrote the Mayflower Compact it was meant to be temporary so the could form some order in the colony and then be able to make a permanent government later on. But the Fundamental Order of Connecticut was made to provide a permanent and firm government that gave power to the people.

The signing of the Fundamental
Orders of Connecticut
4. The colonist developed the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut because they needed a stronger government. By forming the document it brought together a bunch of little towns to form a strong government. They were able to form laws that all of the towns had to follow and choose officials to lead the towns. By forming together and creating laws they were able to form a stable and permanent government.

5. The Fundamental Orders reflects a fear of one person or a chosen few getting to much power by allowing the people to vote for the officials in elections and made impossible for one person or a chosen few to gain total control because it limited        the power of the government.