Tuesday, December 11, 2012

LAD #21

LAD #21-
       In Andrew Carnegie's "The Gospel of Wealth" he expresses his thoughts on the benefits of the Big Business industry. Although many people see the wealthy men as Robber Barons, Andrew Carnigie believes that although the economy has large gaps between the poor and wealthy, it is much better then if everyone was equal. He then gives ways to approve the administration of the wealthy, who will in return better the people as a whole. He attacks the european method of Primogeniture by saying although it allows for the flow of money, by giving the property to the first son it diminishes his development of ambition and competence and also deprives his money from the rest of the state. He also mentions that if a wealth man passes a way death taxes should be placed on his property and wealth so that his money left over is returned to the population, and this will also persuade the wealthy to spend their money on noble causes during their time. This is ultimately what carnegie was all about as he thought all men should invest in things that benefit the greater good, including the most poor, an example he himself followed.

Monday, November 26, 2012

LAD #20

LAD #20-
Emancipation Proclamation

          The Emancipation Proclamation declares two things. One, it states that any black persons that are held as slaves in Souther States are to be declared "forever free" and are to be respected and this will be in forced by the military. Second, it provides a list with all the states that must abide by this. Although there are some regions that don't have to follow this the states that do are Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Lincoln says that within these territories that Black slaves are to be free and their rights will be fully maintained in the North.

LAD #19

LAD #19-

         In Lincoln's second inaugural address he focuses on the civil war that has currently been placed upon the United states and he compares the similarities of the two factions. He mentions that before the war neither sides wanted a war. They believed there was an easier way, without bloodshed, to solve their differences, like southern appeasement and compromise. Extremist from both sides ruined this peaceful solution and led the country to war, which both sides ultimately excepted. However neither side realizes how long the war actually would be and that is where the north and the south are very similar. Both sides wanted the war to end in their favor so the look to god for help. Lincoln says this is useless because obviously no prayers have been answered. Lincoln acknowledges that god has his own plan for the war and if that means he wants the war to continue until the last man is dead then so be it. The purpose of his speech is to expose the destiny of the United States and to encourage the north to keep fighting.

Monday, November 19, 2012

LAD #18

LAD #18

Dred Scott
      Over the case Dread Scott vs. Stanford, Cheif Justice Roger B. Taney sided with Standford saying that because Scott was a child of immigrants from another country that he was not a citizen there for did not obtain the rights of the US citizens. Taney justified his decision by looking at the constitution where is does not distinct between slaves and property. Therefor Scott had no right in the first place to claim his rights and sew in state or federal courts. In return Scotts master, Standford, was entitled to such rights including rights to his property. Seeing that Scott was a slave to Standford, they had no other choice then to ensure Standford's ownership of Scott. This challenged the Missouri Compromise because although Scott was in a free state, illinois, he had no right to sue in a a slave state, Missouri. Taney ultimately found the compromise to be unconstitutional.

LAD #17

LAD #17

       At the Ohio Women's Convention in Akron, Sojourner Truth brings up to major injustices; sexist and raciel prejudices. Although she talks about how there has been some reform in the North for women's rights, she looks at the oppositiong to the reforms and attacks their logic by saying that although their are those who help women out of carriages, she her self has never been helped. "Ain't I a women?" she says most likely indirectly attacking that fact that thes people are also racist and don't see her as a 'lady'. In addition she defends her womenhood by citing examples of strengths as a women, and even talking about examples of strengths as a women that men do not have. She attacks the belief that women are less inteligent as mean and that even if that were true it shouldn't matter because respect should be universal.

LAD #16


           Fredrick Douglas gave a speech known as his "4th of July" speech. In this speech he addresses the question "what to a slave is the 4th of July?" His expresses his disapproval for slavery in the united states and their celebrations of the 4th of July magnifiy that. He find it very important to remind the country behind their celebration the black enslaved people are very adament of the injustices of America. By taking away the unalienable rights of these people, to strip them of their freedom, to seperate them from thei families, and so on, is to consider a an idea that the s;aves are less then their fellow people. Douglas says that this idea is rediculous because blacks of taken up, with the same success or more, occupations the same as their white counterparts. He says although their is no other nation in history that has made such noble claims of independence, no other nation has allowed such injustices on human lives as this one.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

LAD #15

LAD #15-

          In Lincoln's Gettysburg Address he commemorates the soldiers that lost their lives fighting in the civil war to preserve the union and address the importance of a such demanding cause. He understands that no amount of words can describe the sacrifices that these soldiers made. He continues to say that commemorating the death is not enough, they must continue to honor the cause in which the men were fighting for, a free government created of the people, for the people, and by the people. This government will in return continue to protect the people right's as the founding fathers had originally said.

Friday, November 16, 2012

LAD #14

LAD #14

        In Lincoln's first inaguaral address he focuses mainly on the issue of slavery, which is an issue that causes much tension between the north and the south. Lincoln begins with how he isn't on a side of this matter and that he has no right to interfere with slavery in the south and it all rely's solely on the constitution. The constitution states that no person working in one state can be free of labor if the enter another state. This obviously applies to the laves that excaped from the south to the free north. Although he believes these problems may never be fully solved, he thinks that if the country splits over this issue it is going to end up being alot worse. He alsso stresses how important unity is and how it has exsisted in our country for a long time. He believes that states must interact with eachother for the mutal benefit of the country and succession of states may lead to anarchy. He stresses that all states must not be enemies and must all get along

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LAD #13

LAD #13-
John C. Calhoun

         Calhoun's address focuses on the continuing issue of slavery. Although the 3/5ths compromise worked for a wile, Calhoun saw that over time it caused for the North to gain the upper hand and ultimately be able to control the entire government. He supports this by saying that all a political party needs to control the country is a majority vote in the senate and support from the majority of the states. Noting that, the country is just about ready to accept five new northern states into the country because of territorial expansion, and no new southern states. Calhoun believes that the import tariffs are also unfair because the not only favor the wealthy northern elite but they also make the north a prosperous sector that will attract more immigrants, which will through off the balance even more. Majorly, the slavery issue was causing a lot of problems and strife between the north an the south. The north saw it and unjust and immoral, but Calhoun says that it had been apart of the Southern social and economical status and if you take it away it will destroy the South. He says the only way the US will survive is that if the strong party, the north, is willing to give the south it's rights to gain newly inquired territory, return slaves, and cease agitation over the morality of slavery. This will cause the political situation to balance out and put less of a threat on any party of the country to succeed.

LAD #12

LAD #12-
President Polk
     Polk's war address explains the causes of the United States joining in war with Mexico. Originally Polk sent an envoy to negotiate peaceful solutions with the mexican government in order to a diplomatic solution to solve the problems surrounding the border disputes and the injustices of the mexican government against the United States. However, a revolution in mexico was reaching an all time high in a change of power and thinking about the diplomatic relations with the US. They choose to not accept nor delegate with America and and made no proposals or accepted any that delegated peace between the two nations. Instead, Mexico engaged in hostilities with the US, especially with the troops that were stationed between the two rivers, Rio del Norte and teh Nuces. When uncertainty of hostility between the two groups and many casualties from the American troops began to increase, Polk believed that the US was justified in declaring war.

Monday, November 12, 2012

LAD #11

LAD #11-
     The Declaration of Sentiments is a very good example of a person's liberties and rights to public respect. In some ways it is very similar to the Declaration of Independence, because it mentions the inalienable rights that everyone deserves. What is different about this is that in the Declaration of Independence it says that "all men are created equal" but in the Declaration of Sentiments it says that "all men and women are created equal." Just like the Declaration of Independence it says that the government must protect the rights of the people but it also mentions that the government and the society hasn't been doing a good job a protecting the rights of women. There is a list of grievances that expresses the injustices of the sexist acts towards women. The list includes denying women the right to vote and denying women an entrance into college. It ends with a list of resolutions including examples of women's equality to men.

Monday, October 29, 2012

LAD #10

LAD #10-

     The Monroe Doctrine was from Monroe to congress stating that European nations were to colonize and interfere with the struggling nation of america. He mentioned that France and Great Britain both now had good relations with America and recognized it as a free and independent country. All three of the countries agreed that it was time for the European reign to end and that all the countries should focus their own domestic affairs instead of colonizing other countries and in return the US would not bother already bother already established european colonies in America. The main reason for this was to make sure that if an european nations tried to oppress America, that it would be seen as aggression and the US would act on that and the US would stand against them. With this Doctrine, the US was able to establish some of the earliest foreign policy and keep the dominating of the european countries to a low.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

LAD #9

LAD #9-
Thomas Jefferson
             When Thomas Jefferson was accepted into presidency he wrote his first Inaugural Address. This address took place on March 4, 1801. In this address Jefferson accepts the duties he has been given and thanks the people for giving him this privilege and opportunity. He realizes it is a huge responsibility to become president of a rising nation, and says he will put in all that he can to help his country. When i doubt he will turn to the constitution for wisdom, guidance, and support.
             Jefferson talks about how the people of the country will live under the constitution and follow what it says. He realizes that the government is run by the majority, but the needs of the minority must be heard as well. He strongly believes in freedom of expression, he states that those who do not have the same beliefs as the Federalists will be untouched and there beliefs will be accepted. Although some critics believe that a republic is weak, he believes it is the strongest of them all because it has support from the people. He vows to restore peace and harmony to the United States and believes that the nation should move forward with courage and confidence for their new republican government.
            He is a strong believer in equal and exact justice to all men. He also believes in preservation of the general government and right of an election by the people. Some of his other beliefs include a well disciplined militia and honest payment of debts. These are some of his main principals and they would bring the nation into revolutions and reformation.
           At the end of his address he asks the people to forgive him when he makes mistakes and he asks them for there trust and confidence in him as their leader. He says that he will step down as president when he feels he has done all he can for the nation, as did George Washington. Lastly he says he can bring peace and prosperity to the nation.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Blog #8

Christopher Columbus

     Although Columbus can be observed as a hero or a villain, I believe he has shown more characteristics as a villain. Columbus discovered America on accident, and I use the term discovered lightly. The Americas had already been inhabited for a while, prior to his arrival. When Columbus saw the natives his first thought was to enslave them and make them work for him. Through this many natives suffered and even died. Every time he conquered a new land he would kill many of the natives and sell others as slaves to other lands. He was also very self centered. Some of his critics have explained him as a "stubborn ego maniac". He believed that he was saving the souls of his captives by taking the natives out of their environment and sending them back to Spain. If Columbus hadn't discovered the America's, someone else would have with in 10 years. All though I can see why he is praised as a great hero, I believe that he could have went about discovering America more honorably and causing less destruction in the American history. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

LAD #7: Washington's Farewell Address

Washington's Farewell Address
LAD #7-

        Washington is talking about how it is about time to elect a new president and that he is not going to be apart of this election. He wants the people to make a wise decision with who they pick to be the new president. This wasn't an easy decision for him and he's not taking it lightly. If it wasn't for his responsibilities to his country he would have retired earlier. He was thinking about retiring before the last election but there was to much going on at the time. He felt he would have abandoned his country in it's time of need. He believes that it is his time to let someone else take over, and hopes that in time the country will agree with his decision to retire. He also mentioned that he was confident that wile he was in office everything he did was for the people of the United States. He feels like at this point in his life he has given the country all he can and that it is time for a new person to see what they can do for our country. He thanks his country for giving him the opportunity to lead them for two terms. He's great full for the trust that the county has put him and without that trust he would not have been able to do what he did for them. He says that he still has concerns for the country and doesn't want them to feel like he's abandoning them, but he still wants them to stay strong and move forward. He says that he is not a necessity to success of the country, all they need is to believe in their own love and commitment towards the country. He says that he made many errors and he carries them with him everyday. Even though Washington is retiring he will continue to support and love his country just like he did wile he was in office.

LAD #6: Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

LAD #6-

        In this document George Washington is requiring that the United States of America stay neutral in the war of France against Austria, Prussia, Sardinia, Great Britain, and the United Netherlands. He warns all citizens of America to stay neutral in this war. If they catch someone aided this war, which will be illegal, they will be punished. He says that he supports this document and even signed it to see that it be enforced.
George Washington

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Republican Motherhood Blog

Republican Motherhood Blog

1. The Republican Mothers have the responsibility to raise their sons to be the next generation of men. During the Revolutionary War, the soldiers fighting for the american side fought to defend the lives of the American people. Over time this could be forgotten as new children are born. The role of the Republican Mother was to inform her sons about those soldiers that fought in the Revolutionary war and the values that they defended. (Doc. C)

2. The consequences were that the women were more confined to the home because it was now her duty to god and nature, and also her country to stay home. If she were to neglect these duties then she is disobeying god and nature. (Doc. A)

3. Republican Mothers gained much more respect due to the fact that they could teach their children to become "enlightened legislatures." Because they were basically the head of the home, and the home was considered the place where people are nurtured and blossom, they were valued very much (Doc. A). Women also had to be educated because they were the protectors of their husbands property (Doc. C)

Mary Gibson Tilghman and her sons by Charles Willson Peale (1789) 

1. The setting of this picture is the home. This picture is of Mary Gibson Tilghman, a Republican mother, and her sons. It shows how she is very present in her sons lives.

2. Mary Gibson Tilghman serves as the center of this painting because it is trying to emphasis on her Republican Motherhood. The women looks very happy and strong willed, which women before republican motherhood would not look that way. She represents a republican as opposed to a democrat because of how beautifully messy she looks instead of put together like an aristocrat would look. The clothes she is wearing also suggest that she is a republican and not an aristocrat. She also looks very content and close to her sons which again suggest her Republican motherhood.

3. Her sons exhibit values of that close relationship with their mother. They also exhibit innocence and content.

4. The significance of Mrs. Tilghman's arm is that she is actually touching her children. This shows she is showing affection to them, which wasn't see very often back then.

Monday, September 24, 2012

LAD #5- Federalist #10

LAD #5-
James Madison

1. Factions are hard to eliminate because they are developed by people united by a common belief like religion, government, etc., in attempt to gain support from the community. Since it was liberty that brought about factions, they were impossible to get rid of. To give every citizen the same beliefs was impractical. Men's liberty allowed people to form their own opinions.

2. There are two ways to control factions. One way is removing the causes of factions, and since the causes could not be removed they had to move to the second plan which was controlling their effects. The effects of the majority factions needed to be controlled because the minority factions weren't gaining any power. Madison believed a Republic was better than a direct Democracy because a Republic could influence a larger area of land. Bigger Republics had a large range of diverse groups miking it impossible for a majority to form.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog #4: Rethinking the Revolution

LAD #4-

1. Benjamin Franklin had began to write his memoirs before the war was even over, which enhanced his reputation.

2. George Washington let Lt. Col. David Humphrey, who was writhing a biography on him, stay at Mount Vernon and aided him wile he was writing it.

3. Marson Locke Weems wrote a biography on Washington that even washington would have been embarrassed by, saying that he was like Moses who led his people from captivity.

4. The Revolutionary war was not the horrible when it came to deaths, not many men died and civilians weren't touched.

5. Union and Confederate soldiers carried rifles with an effective range nearly six times of that of the muskets packed by the men in the continental army.

Monday, September 17, 2012

LAD #3: The Declaration of Independence

Part 1: Democratic Principals-
Writing the Declaration of Independence
         The democratic principals of the Declaration of Independence show that it it solely there to maintain the rights and happiness of the people. It states that if the "unalienable rights" of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are broken by the government then the people are aloud to over through the government and replace them with a new government that will restore these rights. The colonies put these principals in to place because of King George's tyranny over them.

Part 2: Grievances-
         Some of the grievances represented in the Declaration of Independence were put into place because of the King's harsh rule over them prior to independence. Some of these grievances include the king stripping the colonies of their rights to an assembly and their right of representation and self-government. Another crime committed by the king was forcing the colonist to house troops when they were sent over seas. He also burned many towns and destroyed many lives.

Part 3: Conclusion-
        The conclusion of the declaration states that in order for America to become a free independent country they must first break any ties with the British. It gives America the power to declare war, creat alliances, make peace, ect. The conclusions declares independence from Great Britain.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

LAD #2: John Peter Zenger

LAD #2:
John Peter Zenger Trial

1. John Peter Zenger was a German immigrant the came to America in 1710. He became the printer and editor of a news paper that opposed Governor William Crosby. He wrote many articles criticizing Governor Crosby's policies and actions, including the prosecution of Governor Rip Van Dam and the removal of Chief Court Justice Lewis Morris. Governor Crosby arrested Zenger.

2. The controversy of his charges was that Zenger's claims were not illegal because they were true. Andrew Hamilton, Zenger's lawyer, decided during the court case to plead directly towards the jury. Zenger was proven to be not guilty.

3. The major influence that this case had on American governmental tradition is that something is not illegal if it is true, therefor allowing freedom of press.

4. The lasting significance is the advancement of freedom of press. Because of this trial newspapers every where were allowed to print opposing viewpoints. People were finally allowed to speak up and stand up for what they believed instead of just following along with everyone else.

LAD #1: Mayflower Compact & Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

The Mayflower Compact
LAD #1:

1. Concepts that are included in the Mayflower Compact is the concept of forming a government to maintain order and to do anything that will better the colony.

2. The Mayflower Compact reflects to the "new" by forming its own government separate from the King and adding democratic ideas into it. It reflects to the "old" world by still pledging it's loyalty to the King.

3. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut differed from the Mayflower Compact because when the settlers wrote the Mayflower Compact it was meant to be temporary so the could form some order in the colony and then be able to make a permanent government later on. But the Fundamental Order of Connecticut was made to provide a permanent and firm government that gave power to the people.

The signing of the Fundamental
Orders of Connecticut
4. The colonist developed the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut because they needed a stronger government. By forming the document it brought together a bunch of little towns to form a strong government. They were able to form laws that all of the towns had to follow and choose officials to lead the towns. By forming together and creating laws they were able to form a stable and permanent government.

5. The Fundamental Orders reflects a fear of one person or a chosen few getting to much power by allowing the people to vote for the officials in elections and made impossible for one person or a chosen few to gain total control because it limited        the power of the government.