Friday, February 1, 2013

LAD #27

LAD #27

         During the Industrial Revolution the governmment was very pro business with its policy of laissez-faire and had no regulations on businesses. The Big Businesses at the time had almopst total control. The Big Businesses were also known as monopolies and they were starting to rise and hurt the free-market trade system of the US. In responce to this President Roosevelt set up the Sherman Anti-trust Act but this back fired because it didnt not get ride of all Trusts, just the "bad" trusts. This Act was followed by the Clayton Antitrust Act which further inforced the Sherman Antitrust act. The Clayton Antitrust act said the businesses could not use price discrimination or change the price depending on the customer. Rebates and inter-corporate stock-holdings were outlawed. The act made it illegal to accept bribes and give special deals to certain custumes. The employees also recieved many new freedoms including being aloud to sew the companies that they worked for if they happend to get hurt on the job. This act did a great deal in kepping monopolies to a minimum.

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