Tuesday, December 11, 2012

LAD #21

LAD #21-
       In Andrew Carnegie's "The Gospel of Wealth" he expresses his thoughts on the benefits of the Big Business industry. Although many people see the wealthy men as Robber Barons, Andrew Carnigie believes that although the economy has large gaps between the poor and wealthy, it is much better then if everyone was equal. He then gives ways to approve the administration of the wealthy, who will in return better the people as a whole. He attacks the european method of Primogeniture by saying although it allows for the flow of money, by giving the property to the first son it diminishes his development of ambition and competence and also deprives his money from the rest of the state. He also mentions that if a wealth man passes a way death taxes should be placed on his property and wealth so that his money left over is returned to the population, and this will also persuade the wealthy to spend their money on noble causes during their time. This is ultimately what carnegie was all about as he thought all men should invest in things that benefit the greater good, including the most poor, an example he himself followed.