Monday, November 26, 2012

LAD #20

LAD #20-
Emancipation Proclamation

          The Emancipation Proclamation declares two things. One, it states that any black persons that are held as slaves in Souther States are to be declared "forever free" and are to be respected and this will be in forced by the military. Second, it provides a list with all the states that must abide by this. Although there are some regions that don't have to follow this the states that do are Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Lincoln says that within these territories that Black slaves are to be free and their rights will be fully maintained in the North.

LAD #19

LAD #19-

         In Lincoln's second inaugural address he focuses on the civil war that has currently been placed upon the United states and he compares the similarities of the two factions. He mentions that before the war neither sides wanted a war. They believed there was an easier way, without bloodshed, to solve their differences, like southern appeasement and compromise. Extremist from both sides ruined this peaceful solution and led the country to war, which both sides ultimately excepted. However neither side realizes how long the war actually would be and that is where the north and the south are very similar. Both sides wanted the war to end in their favor so the look to god for help. Lincoln says this is useless because obviously no prayers have been answered. Lincoln acknowledges that god has his own plan for the war and if that means he wants the war to continue until the last man is dead then so be it. The purpose of his speech is to expose the destiny of the United States and to encourage the north to keep fighting.

Monday, November 19, 2012

LAD #18

LAD #18

Dred Scott
      Over the case Dread Scott vs. Stanford, Cheif Justice Roger B. Taney sided with Standford saying that because Scott was a child of immigrants from another country that he was not a citizen there for did not obtain the rights of the US citizens. Taney justified his decision by looking at the constitution where is does not distinct between slaves and property. Therefor Scott had no right in the first place to claim his rights and sew in state or federal courts. In return Scotts master, Standford, was entitled to such rights including rights to his property. Seeing that Scott was a slave to Standford, they had no other choice then to ensure Standford's ownership of Scott. This challenged the Missouri Compromise because although Scott was in a free state, illinois, he had no right to sue in a a slave state, Missouri. Taney ultimately found the compromise to be unconstitutional.

LAD #17

LAD #17

       At the Ohio Women's Convention in Akron, Sojourner Truth brings up to major injustices; sexist and raciel prejudices. Although she talks about how there has been some reform in the North for women's rights, she looks at the oppositiong to the reforms and attacks their logic by saying that although their are those who help women out of carriages, she her self has never been helped. "Ain't I a women?" she says most likely indirectly attacking that fact that thes people are also racist and don't see her as a 'lady'. In addition she defends her womenhood by citing examples of strengths as a women, and even talking about examples of strengths as a women that men do not have. She attacks the belief that women are less inteligent as mean and that even if that were true it shouldn't matter because respect should be universal.

LAD #16


           Fredrick Douglas gave a speech known as his "4th of July" speech. In this speech he addresses the question "what to a slave is the 4th of July?" His expresses his disapproval for slavery in the united states and their celebrations of the 4th of July magnifiy that. He find it very important to remind the country behind their celebration the black enslaved people are very adament of the injustices of America. By taking away the unalienable rights of these people, to strip them of their freedom, to seperate them from thei families, and so on, is to consider a an idea that the s;aves are less then their fellow people. Douglas says that this idea is rediculous because blacks of taken up, with the same success or more, occupations the same as their white counterparts. He says although their is no other nation in history that has made such noble claims of independence, no other nation has allowed such injustices on human lives as this one.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

LAD #15

LAD #15-

          In Lincoln's Gettysburg Address he commemorates the soldiers that lost their lives fighting in the civil war to preserve the union and address the importance of a such demanding cause. He understands that no amount of words can describe the sacrifices that these soldiers made. He continues to say that commemorating the death is not enough, they must continue to honor the cause in which the men were fighting for, a free government created of the people, for the people, and by the people. This government will in return continue to protect the people right's as the founding fathers had originally said.

Friday, November 16, 2012

LAD #14

LAD #14
        In Lincoln's first inaguaral address he focuses mainly on the issue of slavery, which is an issue that causes much tension between the north and the south. Lincoln begins with how he isn't on a side of this matter and that he has no right to interfere with slavery in the south and it all rely's solely on the constitution. The constitution states that no person working in one state can be free of labor if the enter another state. This obviously applies to the laves that excaped from the south to the free north. Although he believes these problems may never be fully solved, he thinks that if the country splits over this issue it is going to end up being alot worse. He alsso stresses how important unity is and how it has exsisted in our country for a long time. He believes that states must interact with eachother for the mutal benefit of the country and succession of states may lead to anarchy. He stresses that all states must not be enemies and must all get along

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LAD #13

LAD #13-
John C. Calhoun

         Calhoun's address focuses on the continuing issue of slavery. Although the 3/5ths compromise worked for a wile, Calhoun saw that over time it caused for the North to gain the upper hand and ultimately be able to control the entire government. He supports this by saying that all a political party needs to control the country is a majority vote in the senate and support from the majority of the states. Noting that, the country is just about ready to accept five new northern states into the country because of territorial expansion, and no new southern states. Calhoun believes that the import tariffs are also unfair because the not only favor the wealthy northern elite but they also make the north a prosperous sector that will attract more immigrants, which will through off the balance even more. Majorly, the slavery issue was causing a lot of problems and strife between the north an the south. The north saw it and unjust and immoral, but Calhoun says that it had been apart of the Southern social and economical status and if you take it away it will destroy the South. He says the only way the US will survive is that if the strong party, the north, is willing to give the south it's rights to gain newly inquired territory, return slaves, and cease agitation over the morality of slavery. This will cause the political situation to balance out and put less of a threat on any party of the country to succeed.

LAD #12

LAD #12-
President Polk
     Polk's war address explains the causes of the United States joining in war with Mexico. Originally Polk sent an envoy to negotiate peaceful solutions with the mexican government in order to a diplomatic solution to solve the problems surrounding the border disputes and the injustices of the mexican government against the United States. However, a revolution in mexico was reaching an all time high in a change of power and thinking about the diplomatic relations with the US. They choose to not accept nor delegate with America and and made no proposals or accepted any that delegated peace between the two nations. Instead, Mexico engaged in hostilities with the US, especially with the troops that were stationed between the two rivers, Rio del Norte and teh Nuces. When uncertainty of hostility between the two groups and many casualties from the American troops began to increase, Polk believed that the US was justified in declaring war.

Monday, November 12, 2012

LAD #11
LAD #11-
     The Declaration of Sentiments is a very good example of a person's liberties and rights to public respect. In some ways it is very similar to the Declaration of Independence, because it mentions the inalienable rights that everyone deserves. What is different about this is that in the Declaration of Independence it says that "all men are created equal" but in the Declaration of Sentiments it says that "all men and women are created equal." Just like the Declaration of Independence it says that the government must protect the rights of the people but it also mentions that the government and the society hasn't been doing a good job a protecting the rights of women. There is a list of grievances that expresses the injustices of the sexist acts towards women. The list includes denying women the right to vote and denying women an entrance into college. It ends with a list of resolutions including examples of women's equality to men.