Monday, October 29, 2012

LAD #10

LAD #10-

     The Monroe Doctrine was from Monroe to congress stating that European nations were to colonize and interfere with the struggling nation of america. He mentioned that France and Great Britain both now had good relations with America and recognized it as a free and independent country. All three of the countries agreed that it was time for the European reign to end and that all the countries should focus their own domestic affairs instead of colonizing other countries and in return the US would not bother already bother already established european colonies in America. The main reason for this was to make sure that if an european nations tried to oppress America, that it would be seen as aggression and the US would act on that and the US would stand against them. With this Doctrine, the US was able to establish some of the earliest foreign policy and keep the dominating of the european countries to a low.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

LAD #9

LAD #9-
Thomas Jefferson
             When Thomas Jefferson was accepted into presidency he wrote his first Inaugural Address. This address took place on March 4, 1801. In this address Jefferson accepts the duties he has been given and thanks the people for giving him this privilege and opportunity. He realizes it is a huge responsibility to become president of a rising nation, and says he will put in all that he can to help his country. When i doubt he will turn to the constitution for wisdom, guidance, and support.
             Jefferson talks about how the people of the country will live under the constitution and follow what it says. He realizes that the government is run by the majority, but the needs of the minority must be heard as well. He strongly believes in freedom of expression, he states that those who do not have the same beliefs as the Federalists will be untouched and there beliefs will be accepted. Although some critics believe that a republic is weak, he believes it is the strongest of them all because it has support from the people. He vows to restore peace and harmony to the United States and believes that the nation should move forward with courage and confidence for their new republican government.
            He is a strong believer in equal and exact justice to all men. He also believes in preservation of the general government and right of an election by the people. Some of his other beliefs include a well disciplined militia and honest payment of debts. These are some of his main principals and they would bring the nation into revolutions and reformation.
           At the end of his address he asks the people to forgive him when he makes mistakes and he asks them for there trust and confidence in him as their leader. He says that he will step down as president when he feels he has done all he can for the nation, as did George Washington. Lastly he says he can bring peace and prosperity to the nation.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Blog #8

Christopher Columbus

     Although Columbus can be observed as a hero or a villain, I believe he has shown more characteristics as a villain. Columbus discovered America on accident, and I use the term discovered lightly. The Americas had already been inhabited for a while, prior to his arrival. When Columbus saw the natives his first thought was to enslave them and make them work for him. Through this many natives suffered and even died. Every time he conquered a new land he would kill many of the natives and sell others as slaves to other lands. He was also very self centered. Some of his critics have explained him as a "stubborn ego maniac". He believed that he was saving the souls of his captives by taking the natives out of their environment and sending them back to Spain. If Columbus hadn't discovered the America's, someone else would have with in 10 years. All though I can see why he is praised as a great hero, I believe that he could have went about discovering America more honorably and causing less destruction in the American history.